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Firmwareresetsamsungml216021652160w2165w _VERIFIED_


[/quote] A: One possible idea could be to use gsub: gsub(pattern, replacement, x) pattern is the pattern to be searched for, and replacement is the replacement string to be used in its place. x is the string that contains the text that will be searched for. The pattern can be either a regular expression (string) or a string that matches the text to be searched for. The replacement, however, can be a different pattern or text. Here, the regex [^ ]*regex is matched first to each line. And from this matched text the substring with the gsub is extracted, to use as replacement. If you'd like to have the result as a list, the following code could be used: out Q: Why does my mutex not work as expected? Here is the code: int main() { /* srand(time(NULL)); */ pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; int i = 0; pthread_t t1; pthread_t t2; pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); while(i be359ba680

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