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Pearl Harbor Mkv Torrents Subtitles Download Dubbed Watch Online


An event that took place on December 7th, 1941 is considered to be the most significant of America's military history. This day marked the beginning of World War II and was dubbed "The Day Of Infamy" by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Within hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States had declared war with Japan. The infamous assault was far from anticipated as it came out of nowhere with little warning for American ships traveling near Hawaii. The Japanese army had bombed Pearl Harbor which ended up sinking over twenty-eight battleships and inflicting more than 2,000 casualties. As a result, they stole vital American secrets that would help them develop their booby trap tactics at Midway which ultimately sealed Japan's fate in WWII. The attack on Pearl Harbor remains an event that will forever be in the minds of Americans. The Japanese army decided to attack Pearl Harbor in order to cripple the United States, which was a threat to them. They wanted Britain's dominance in Asia at all costs. America had been able to maintain its power because of their naval fleet, but the Japanese wanted that control for themselves. Japan needed to take control of Pearl Harbor in order for their war plan against Hawaii, Alaska, and India to succeed. The Americans would have never known about this secret war plan unless it was for decoded Japanese messages which were sent out by code breakers Larry Lee "Red" Clark and Agnes Driscoll "Nancy" Bowers. This enabled them to warn military officers at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii about the impending doom they were about to face. They needed to take the drastic actions of sending Japan a telegram to warn them of their intentions. However, President Roosevelt did not want to tip the Japanese off that they knew of their secret plot, so he decided against it; therefore, he allowed that attack on Pearl Harbor to take place. The Japanese army was very successful when executing their plan due in part because of Admiral Husband "Bill" Kimmel who led his troops into believing that America's situation was safe and secure so they could not detect any sort of attack coming upon them. Under Kimmel's supervision, America's naval fleet was never on actual alert status so it did not do anything to stop the Japanese army from attacking Pearl Harbor. The army did not realize that someone had broken their code and knew of their secret war plan, so they allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to take place which crippled the United States and its military strength by destroying valuable battleships. Housing discrimination in Hawaii started when the government enforced a law that stated only Caucasians could own property within Hawaii. When Asian immigrants came to Hawaii, they were denied jobs and homes because there were already an abundance of Caucasians working and living in Hawaii. This slowly drove Hawaiians out of jobs and homes until they had almost nothing. The government did not enforce a law that would prevent housing discrimination until 1968. In Hawaii, the three main groups that were discriminated against were Asians, Filipinos, and Japanese. In 1852, The U.S.-run Hawaiian Kingdom opened the doors to Caucasians from all over the world to live in Hawaii. Asians from China and Korea came to Hawaii to work as laborers on sugar plantations. In 1885, the laws changed so only Caucasians who owned property could vote; thus increasing racism towards Asian laborers because they could not own property and therefore couldn't vote. This created a huge division between Asians and Caucasians. cfa1e77820



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